Office of Open Learning

Office of Open Learning: Workshops

A one-stop shop for all your open learning needs

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Hold the date! March 3-7, 2025

Open Education Week is an annual celebration of open education globally, and an opportunity to share open educational practice and resources. It is a space to learn about, and be inspired by, the amazing work done by the open education community around the world that is increasing access and equity in education.

This year the Office of Open Learning is hosting a conference throughout the Open Education Week and the entire campus is invited to join us for a week of free events. Register for events on our Open Ed Week Webpage.

We also encourage you to explore Open Education Week's global calendar of #OEWeek events happening around the world through the Open Education Week calendar

Past offerings

Show current offerings

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

“…and it’s FREE!”: How Open Educational Resources can enhance your teaching & learning.

Registration for this event is now closed.
Schedule: Tuesday, March 11, 2014, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Location: LT 2103
Instructors: Alicia Higgison, Adam Wright
How does the internet contribute to students’ prior knowledge? Is the Internet always helpful? This workshop will introduce you to the online (free!) world of Open Educational Resources (OERs) and how you can use them in your research and studying to enhance your teaching and learning. We will direct you to some of the best repositories of journals, curriculum and textbooks from real classes in real institutions like MIT and Harvard, and an unending list of resources. You will learn how to search them, how to use them, how to make them and how to cite them. We’ll even show you how to make your own video-based OERs and contribute to the open source movement. (And we will provide snacks!)

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Building Your Brand: how ePortfolios and other web 2.0 tools can enhance your image online.

Registration for this event is now closed.
Schedule: Wednesday, March 12, 2014, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Location: LT 2103
Instructors: Alicia Higgison
Will your Google results ever replace your resume? In this session, we’ll introduce you to some unique and powerful ways to take control of your own digital footprint and expand it to build your personal brand. We’ll introduce the Office of Open Learning’s ePortfolio pilot project and look at ways it might benefit your on-campus life, and highlight your skills and expertise beyond campus as well. We’ll also take a look at some profile-based tools, which you can populate to contribute to positive results when your future boss Googles you.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

An Open Discussion of Open Education

Registration for this event is now closed.
Schedule: Thursday, March 13, 2014, 02:00 PM – 03:00 PM
Location: LT 2103
Instructors: Nick Baker
What is the Open Education movement and what does it mean in the University of Windsor and Canadian contexts? How does open education change the way we think about intellectual property and what does that mean in our local context? What open educational resources exist that you can use in your teaching and how do you find them? How can you benefit from and contribute to this massively growing global movement? This short workshop will explore these and other questions that are frequently asked about open and online education. Bring your questions and ideas, and we will explore as a community some of the new directions emerging in global higher education, and the tools that are supporting them.

Monday, March 4, 2019

#OEWeek: eCampusOntario Open Library Tour webinar

Registration for this event is now closed.
Schedule: Monday, March 04, 2019, 12:00 PM – 01:30 PM
Location: Essex Hall, room 109
Instructors: Nick Baker, Nobuko Fujita, Alicia Higgison
Join the Open Learning team for a screening of the eCampus Ontario webinar kicking off Open Education Week 2019 with a virtual walk through the launch of their Open Textbook Library.

David Porter (CEO, eCampus Ontario) and Lillian Hogendoorn (Digital Access and OER Lead, eCampus Ontario) will present the launch of eCampus' Open Library. We'll screen the webinar together in the Essex Centre of Research (CORe)

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

#OEWeek: Open Practice: Digital Scholarship for Learners & Teachers

Registration for this event is now closed.
Schedule: Tuesday, March 05, 2019, 04:30 PM – 05:00 PM
Location: Education 1121
Instructors: Bonnie Stewart
This Sharing Ideas session is offered by the Faculty of Education, and presented by Bonnie Stewart:

What does it mean to be an educator in an age of algorithms and knowledge abundance? What are the risks and benefits for scholars - at all levels - of working on the open web? This session will pose questions and explore pathways and challenges for engaging in open, public scholarly practice as teachers and learners in a digital age.

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

#OEWeek: Free textbooks for all! Introduction to PressBooks

Registration for this event is now closed.
Schedule: Wednesday, March 06, 2019, 01:30 PM – 03:00 PM
Location: CORe, room 208
Instructors: Nobuko Fujita
Adopting open textbooks not only saves your students a lot of money, but also helps them achieve the same learning outcomes as traditional learning resources.

Interested in finding out more? What about adopting, adapting, or publishing an open textbook? This hands-on workshop will introduce you to PressBooks, a free, easy-to-use tool that creates accessible open textbooks and Open Educational Resources (OERs) for print and a variety of digital formats, including smartphones, tablets, eReaders, and computers. Bring your laptop to explore existing OERs in the eCampusOntario Open Library, and practice how you can find and easily adapt open text books to suit your courses. You can even take chapters from multiple books to create a custom textbook that is tailored to the needs of your students - all for free! You will also have the chance to hear from faculty who have adopted and adapted or written open textbooks as replacements for commercial texts.

Friday, March 8, 2019

#OEWeek: Community of Practice: An Urgency of Teachers

Registration for this event is now closed.
Schedule: Friday, March 08, 2019, 12:00 PM – 01:30 PM
Location: Leddy Library, room 302
Instructors: Nick Baker, Nobuko Fujita, Mark Lubrick
This will be our final meeting for the Open Learning Book Club. We encourage all to come, even if you haven't read the book or followed along.

Join the conversation in reading the open-access book, "An Urgency of Teachers: the Work of Critical Digital Pedagogy" by Sean Michael Morris and Jesse Stommel (visit This collection of essays explores the authors’ work in, inquiry into, and critique of online learning, educational technology, and the trends, techniques, hopes, fears, and possibilities of digital pedagogy. In this age of artificial intelligence and machines, the authors posit that pedagogy--specifically critical digital pedagogy-- is the lever for change in education. As Audrey Watters (2018) notes in the foreword to the book, Morris and Stommel urge us to put humans at the centre of our educational practices, and to prioritize care and justice for humans at the fore at our institutions and in our ideologies.

The book also provides a good pedagogical background for colleagues who are participating in the upcoming Digital Pedagogy Lab Toronto on March 18-20, 2019.

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Flipped Classrooms and Open Resources: A Student Perspective

Registration for this event is now closed.
Schedule: Tuesday, March 02, 2021, 11:00 AM – 11:45 AM
Location: Online, Microsoft Teams
Instructors: Nick Baker, Collin Campbell, Dave Cormier, Rana Kilani
Join the Office of Open Learning for the student perspective of using open resources for the flipped classroom. Using a flipped classroom model and struggling to get students to engage with the material? This session will explore different student perspectives on the flipped classrooms and provide recommendations for how to support more student engagement.

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

11:00 AM

Confronting Chegg With Open Pedagogy (Microsoft Teams)

Registration for this event is now closed.
Schedule: Wednesday, March 03, 2021, 11:00 AM – 11:45 AM
Location: Online, Microsoft Teams
Instructors: Nick Baker, Dave Cormier, Sawyer King, Steven Shlimoon, Lakshdeep Singh

Online homework/answer sites have become a highly charged conversation in higher ed in the last few years, only exacerbated by the pandemic. Faculty have responded to systems like Chegg or Course Hero by making assignments more difficult and making their exams more intensive. Join the University of Windsor’s Office of Open Learning CoOp students, with Dave Cormier, for a discussion of the impact of this on the student experience and for ideas on how open pedagogies could be part of the solution.

*Note: UWindsor staff/faculty/students can access both the Microsoft Teams 11am session specific to UWindsor, as well as the late afternoon 3pm open session. External registrants for the 11am session will be redirected to the 3pm open session.

3:00 PM

Confronting Chegg With Open Pedagogy (Zoom)

Registration for this event is now closed.
Schedule: Wednesday, March 03, 2021, 03:00 PM – 04:00 PM
Location: Online, Zoom
Instructors: Dave Cormier, Sawyer King, Steven Shlimoon, Lakshdeep Singh

Online homework/answer sites have become a highly charged conversation in higher ed in the last few years, only exacerbated by the pandemic. Faculty have responded to systems like Chegg or Course Hero by making assignments more difficult and making their exams more intensive. Join Dave Cormier, with the University of Windsor’s Office of Open Learning CoOp students for a discussion of the impact of this on the student experience and for ideas on how open pedagogies could be part of the solution.

*Note: This workshop will be held on Zoom, and registration is open externally. If you are seeking the UWindsor focused workshop, please register for the 11am session, held on Microsoft Teams.

Thursday, March 4, 2021

Ungrading: An Introduction to Non-Traditional open Assessment

Registration for this event is now closed.
Schedule: Thursday, March 04, 2021, 11:00 AM – 11:45 AM
Location: Online, Microsoft Teams
Instructors: Madicyn Anderson, Nick Baker, Aiden Burns, Dave Cormier, Trevor Winchester
The ubiquity of access to information on the internet has led to various challenges with regards to traditional forms of assessment. Ungrading involves using non traditional assessments or grading schemes to assist students in learning rather than testing.
Come join us to find out more on why ungrading can better prepare your students for their studies and for the workplace.

Monday, March 6, 2023

2:30 PM

Panel on creating and using open educational resources: Student perspective

Registration for this event is now closed.
Schedule: Monday, March 06, 2023, 02:30 PM – 03:15 PM
Location: In person CEI 1232 or online via Zoom
Instructors: Kendra Hart, Samantha Szcyrek, Keith Trent-Rennick, Zena Zwayyed
If you plan to attend online, please register for the following Zoom session:
This panel presentation will focus on students who have created and/or used OERs. They will briefly share an overview of their experiences, but the majority of the time will be spent as an open discussion, where they can share their experience and answer questions. The facilitator will work to keep the conversation going and ensure everyone has an opportunity to speak. Questions from the audience (both those in person and those online) will be highly encouraged.

3:45 PM

Why should I consider open educational resources?

Registration for this event is now closed.
Schedule: Monday, March 06, 2023, 03:45 PM – 04:30 PM
Location: Online, Anywhere
Instructors: Ashlyne O'Neil
Are you curious about OER? The creation and publishing of openly licensed educational resources via the internet has the potential to be globally transformational to education, breaking down barriers of cost, bias, and equity. Open Educational Resources (OER) are teaching and learning materials (both digital and analogue) released under an open license that permits no-cost access, use, adaptation, retention, and redistribution by others with limited restrictions. This session will introduce participants to the concept of OERs and their license options, explore some of the existing repositories, and identify core tools available to help you create or adapt your own OERs. This will be a Zoom webinar so please register at the following link:

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

12:00 PM

Come try our technology

Registration for this event is now closed.
Schedule: Tuesday, March 07, 2023, 12:00 PM – 04:00 PM
Location: CEI 1232
Are you unsure what all the Office of Open learning has to offer? Well, stop by during out tech day and play around with the various technologies we have and chat with our people. Some of the technologies we will be showcasing include:
  • Cameras
  • GoPros
  • Studio cameras and lighting
  • VR gear
  • podcasting
  • ChatGPT
  • Content creation – H5P, Pressbooks, Xerte
  • Video recording, editing
  • Resources
  • OERs, tutorials, live help and more
If you like the technology you see, you can also come back and create a resource with us later in the week.

12:30 PM

The Office of Open Learning 10-year celebration

Registration for this event is now closed.
Schedule: Tuesday, March 07, 2023, 12:30 PM – 01:30 PM
Location: CEI 1232
Come join us to celebrate the Office of Open Learning's 10th year on campus. We will have cupcakes, coffee, and cool technology to play with. Please stop by and bring a friend. This will be an informal time, but we will announce our next round of funding and the new Humanizing Digital Learning Certificate.

Wednesday, March 8, 2023

10:00 AM

Create a resource: Live support to create a resource you need

Registration for this event is now closed.
Schedule: Wednesday, March 08, 2023, 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Location: CEI 1232
Do you want to try to create a resource? The Office of Open Learning is hosting a 2-hour open drop-in session for anyone who wants to stop by. Whether you want to create something small, like a short video or start a larger project, we are happy to help. We will have a variety of people on hand and technologies available too. Even if you just want to stop by to talk through an idea, we would love to see you.
You may also be interested in attending the technology demonstration day to get inspired and see what is available.

2:00 PM

Original and Contemporary Land Acknowledgements

Registration for this event is now closed.
Schedule: Wednesday, March 08, 2023, 02:00 PM – 02:30 PM
Location: CEI 1232
Instructors: Russell Nahdee

Thursday, March 9, 2023

11:00 AM

Using Pressbooks for creating open educational resources

Registration for this event is now closed.
Schedule: Thursday, March 09, 2023, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Location: Online, Anywhere
Instructors: Nobuko Fujita
Interested in creating open educational resources (OER)? Find out how you can save students a lot of money and help them achieve the same learning outcomes. This session introduces you to Pressbooks, a free, easy-to-use tech tool for creating accessible digital (and print) learning materials. We will explore how to search existing OERs, practice adapting them to suit your needs, and create new content. With Creative Commons licensing, you retain copyright while allowing others to copy, distribute, and use the resources in non-commercial ways.

2:00 PM

Open Educational Practices for accessibility, equity, inclusiveness, and social justice

Registration for this event is now closed.
Schedule: Thursday, March 09, 2023, 02:00 PM – 03:00 PM
Location: Online, Zoom
Instructors: Nick Baker
Please register via the Zoom Registration Link:
Open Educational Resources (OERs) have long been discussed as a means of making education more affordable by reducing costs of accessing resources, but the discourse more recently has begun to shift towards recognising OERs and the practice that surrounds their use as a way to make education more accessible, inclusive, and equitable as the resources can be adapted to fit the needs of a class and all its diverse learners. Open Educational Practices (OEP) have emerged as a broad descriptor of approaches that can include use of OERs, open and inclusive pedagogies, and open sharing of teaching practices, usually characterised by a deep commitment to concepts of openness across the spectrum of academic practice. This workshop explores the critical work of leaders in OEP including Bali, Cronin, Jhangiani, and Lambert to consider the ways in which open practices and praxis can contribute to achieving a more just and equitable educational environment, including some practical examples of how educators can begin this journey.

Friday, March 10, 2023

1:00 PM

Panel on creating and using open educational resources: Instructor perspective

Registration for this event is now closed.
Schedule: Friday, March 10, 2023, 01:00 PM – 01:45 PM
Location: Online, Zoom
Please register for the following Zoom session:
This panel presentation will focus on instructors who have created and/or used OERs. They will briefly share an overview of their experiences, but the majority of the time will be spent as an open discussion, where they can share their experience and answer questions. The facilitator will work to keep the conversation going and ensure everyone has an opportunity to speak. Questions from the audience (both those in person and those online) will be highly encouraged.

2:00 PM

An Introduction to Open Scholarship

Registration for this event is now closed.
Schedule: Friday, March 10, 2023, 02:00 PM – 03:00 PM
Location: Online, Anywhere
Instructors: Dave Cormier
Participating in open scholarship can be an effective way of developing your academic network and having more people engage with you research. This workshop will introduce the Orient, Declare, Network, Cluster, Focus model of engaging in open discourse. It will also cover some of the challenges and things to watch for when you are working in the open. This will be a Zoom webinar so please register at the following link:

Monday, March 4, 2024

11:00 AM

Using OpenAI for Your Career

Registration for this event is now closed.
Schedule: Monday, March 04, 2024, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Location: Online, Microsoft Teams
Instructors: Stephanie Dupley
Learn how you can use ChatGPT to help with your job search, career development, and application documents (such as your resume).

11:30 AM

Windsor's Indigenous Presence

Registration for this event is now closed.
Schedule: Monday, March 04, 2024, 11:30 AM – 12:00 PM
Location: CEI 1232
Instructors: Russell Nahdee
A 20 minute in-person presentation of a series of artifacts and images with a discussion of the Indigenous presence in the Windsor border region. To continue to improve our understanding of Indigenous issues and the lack of awareness for a better understanding; to sensitize ourselves and challenge the lack of awareness from a seemingly one dimensional image of the Indigenous people as an excluded marginalized population to reveal a rich and vibrant history that challenges current stereotypes.

1:00 PM

Maada’oonidiwag - Sharing Anishinaabe pedagogies into a Western OER

Registration for this event is now closed.
Schedule: Monday, March 04, 2024, 01:00 PM – 01:20 PM
Location: Hybrid - CEI 1232 + Online
Instructors: Jaimie Kechego, Lorie Stolarchuk
Aanii and Biindige! Sharing personal Anishinaabe perspectives when weaving Indigenous Ways of Knowing into Western ways of teaching and learning was central to creating a module within an Open Educational Resource (OER). This session explores lessons learned while creating the OER module on Indigenous Pedagogies, which included videos, images, text, and exercises. OER Videos were filmed in many settings, including a visit to a Reserve and Residential School memorial. Jaimie Kechego, Anishinaabe Kwe from Deshkaan Ziibing (the Chippewa of the Thames First Nation reserve) located near London, shares her personal connection to the Indigenous Pedagogy principle featured in each video. The videos are embedded into an eCampusOntario project on Universal Design for Learning (UDL) - Inclusivity, Diversity, Equity and Accessibility (IDEA). Mino-bmaadizin (the good life), was tied into the module's design, braiding references to nourishing learning spirits beyond the four walls of a classroom by including land-based and place-based learning. Teachings from the Medicine Wheel framework embraced the physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental dimensions. The goal as we advance would be to weave other Indigenous voices and connections to the various topics for future open educational videos.
This is a hybrid session where people can attend in person in CEI 1232 or attend online. If you wish to attend online please register via this Zoom link

2:00 PM

Empowering and mentoring graduate students with professional and lifelong learning skills

Registration for this event is now closed.
Schedule: Monday, March 04, 2024, 02:00 PM – 03:00 PM
Location: Online, Zoom
Instructors: Isabelle Barrette-Ng, Connor Bourgonje, Tiffany Cheng, Gino DiLabio, Alison Flynn, Kim Hellemans, Isabelle Hinch, Jeremy Kerr, Leah McMunn, Sarah McPhedran, Adam Pillon, Ashley Thompson, Bradley Wuetherick
This session will be run on Zoom, so please use this Zoom link to register.
Graduate students face many challenges during their academic journey and often lack formal training in professional and learning skills. To address these challenges and support student success, our diverse, multi-institutional team designed a self-directed course to equip graduate students with core skills, empower them with tools and strategies, and foster an inclusive, equitable, and healthy environment. This course includes five modules: mentorship, strategic learning, project management, academic resilience, and navigating difficult conversations (including power dynamics). Presentation attendees will: gain insights into the values and principles that underlie the course design, receive the findings of our multi-institutional, multi-discipline course pilot, with recommendations for incorporating the course in a variety of settings, and receive the results of an autoethnographic analysis of the team’s process, offering a framework that they may apply in their own context.

3:30 PM

Creating resources and publishing with PressBooks

Registration for this event is now closed.
Schedule: Monday, March 04, 2024, 03:30 PM – 04:00 PM
Location: Online, Microsoft Teams
Instructors: Nobuko Fujita
This session will explore the use of Pressbooks to create resources and publish accessible, attractive digital books and content. Participants will be able to view examples of resources authored by University of Windsor faculty and student partners; gauge the impact of these works with an analytics dashboard; and get links to free resources such as project timelines, accessibility tips, how to attribute multimedia media, create book covers, and more!

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

12:00 PM

The power, potential, and problems of open education for sustainable development

Registration for this event is now closed.
Schedule: Tuesday, March 05, 2024, 12:00 PM – 12:20 PM
Location: Online, Zoom
Instructors: Nick Baker, Mark Lubrick
This session will be run on Zoom, so please use this Zoom link to register.
Open education can be a powerful contributor to achieving the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs), but it requires a carefully considered approach to avoid compounding existing inequalities or contributing further to sustainability challenges with the rapid implementation of digital tools with questionable sustainability. Open Educational Practices (OEP) and Open Educational Resources (OERs) can contribute to expanded learning about each of the SDGs, making knowledge available to a wide audience. OERs can also directly contribute to SDG 4 (Quality Education), removing barriers to access. The 2019 UNESCO Recommendation on OER challenges educational institutions to support the transformation of education for sustainability by leveraging digital OER ecosystems and committing to a new social contract with high quality, inclusive, and sustainable education available to all the world's citizens. While some universities have started to actively engage with this concept, there needs to be a rapid acceleration and universality to this work that considers both local and global impact. This session will explore how open educational practices can support sustainable development, surface some of the challenges to this goal, and discuss possible ways forward.

1:00 PM

Open Bioinformatics Education for Professional Development A modular, open education approach in Biochemistry

Registration for this event is now closed.
Schedule: Tuesday, March 05, 2024, 01:00 PM – 01:20 PM
Location: Online, Zoom
Instructors: Zareen Amtul
This session will be run on Zoom, so please use this Zoom link to register.
Amid the increased demand for flexible learning experiences, especially hybrid course offerings, as well as an exponential growth in life science research data, bioinformatics has become an exciting, and popular skill set both in industry and academia. To increase students’ competencies and to get them familiarized with data science professions as well as to fulfil a substantial demand for technology use in post-secondary education, we developed an open education resource containing a set of bioinformatic exercises into a capstone course of a graduate program. Bioinformatic exercises were designed to teach students to navigate bioinformatic databases such as UniProt, GenBank™, BRENDA, and SWISS-Model use built-in tools, and software like MEGA, and CHIMERA, algorithms, analyze data, and perform programming in R and Python. The skillsets imparted by this hybrid bioinformatic pedagogical approach are meant to empower students to be able to leverage this knowledge for their future endeavours in the bioinformatics field. The student performance in the hybrid course and survey responses overwhelmingly suggested that greater, and meaningful technology integration in teaching and learning going forward is direly needed.

2:00 PM

Creating openly licensed content with H5P

Registration for this event is now closed.
Schedule: Tuesday, March 05, 2024, 02:00 PM – 03:00 PM
Location: Hybrid - CEI 1232 + Online
Instructors: Mark Lubrick
Did you know that people who work in higher education in Ontario can access H5P for free, which allows the creation of over 60 types of interactive content? Not only that, but there is a catalogue of content that others have shared under various license types. This workshop will review how you can use and modify other people's creations and how you can license any of your own creations.
Additionally, in this workshop, participants will see how to create an account, find existing resources, and how to create some common popular interaction types. Additionally, they will be shown how to find examples and tutorials for any additional content types they may want to explore.

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

12:00 PM

Teachers Talk…Generative AI for Educators: An Open Overview

Registration for this event is now closed.
Schedule: Wednesday, March 06, 2024, 12:00 PM – 12:30 PM
Location: Hybrid - CEI 1232 + Online
Instructors: Mark Lubrick, David Lyu, Tracy Mcallister, Bonnie Stewart
With the explosion of different AI tools, it is more important than ever to consider their limitations and the cost of using them, especially in education. This presentation will serve as the launch of an open video with students and faculty discussing AI and how it can be incorporated responsibly into teaching and learning. This was a collaborative project involving partnership between faculty, students, and multimedia developers and we will outline the development process, including what worked and what challenges we faced.
This is a hybrid session where people can attend in person in CEI 1232 or attend online. If you wish to attend online please register via this Zoom link

1:00 PM

Empowering Indigenous Knowledge: Dissemination of 'Indigenous Lifeways in Canadian Business' Educational Videos

Registration for this event is now closed.
Schedule: Wednesday, March 06, 2024, 01:00 PM – 01:20 PM
Location: CEI 1232
Instructors: Russell A. Evans
The 20-minute short presentation by Dr. Russell Evans, Assistant Professor, Accounting, Odette School of Business, on the open educational resource entitled "Indigenous Lifeways in Canadian Business,” will explain the role several educational videos and companion PressBook play within a broader framework of open learning. The presentation will underscore the significance of these videos within Ontario's Virtual Learning Strategy, showcasing the province's initiative to enrich and diversify open educational resources. Emphasizing their open-access nature using Creative Commons non-commercial, non-derivative licencing, the presentation will stress how and why these videos were made and that they are available to all, making them valuable resources for higher education instructors, staff, and students, irrespective of their location or institution. The goal of the videos and companion PressBook is to promote cultural sensitivity and awareness regarding Indigenous entrepreneurs while bridging gaps in the context of Canadian business.
Attendees will gain insights into how they can effectively integrate these videos into their courses to enhance the learning experience for their students and foster a better understanding of Indigenous perspectives in the business world. The presentation will conclude with a Q&A and discussion session, encouraging participants to engage and share their ideas and possible future uses of the material.

2:00 PM

Interview with the OER Rangers

Registration for this event is now closed.
Schedule: Wednesday, March 06, 2024, 02:00 PM – 02:30 PM
Location: Online, Zoom
Instructors: Tranum Kaur, Mark Lubrick, Hamed Amini Tehrani
This session will be run on Zoom, so please use this Zoom link to register.
Dr. Tranum Kaur and Dr. Hamed Amini Tehrani are the Open Rangers at the University of Windsor. This is an initiative sponsored by eCampusOntario to have people promote information about and the use of Open Educational Resources. In this interview, we will learn about their experiences, including the use of H5P to promote student engagement and around OER adoption to support international learners. Information about how the program was run and experiences from their journeys will be discussed. Finally, there will be a chance for attendees to ask questions.

Thursday, March 7, 2024

12:00 PM

Openness as a pedagogy of abundance

Registration for this event is now closed.
Schedule: Thursday, March 07, 2024, 12:00 PM – 01:00 PM
Location: Online, Zoom
Instructors: Dave Cormier
This session will be run on Zoom, so please use this Zoom link to register.
In 2011 Martin Weller made a call for a pedagogy of abundance. How do we help people learn in a world where we have too much information? How do we help people engage students in our classrooms when they are surrounded by so many distractions? And, maybe more importantly, how do we encourage students to do the work when they have so many options (I'm looking at you GenAI) to get around it? This presentation will argue that the solution is to open things up, rather than to shut them down

1:00 PM

Navigating article publishing charges: From fee to free

Registration for this event is now closed.
Schedule: Thursday, March 07, 2024, 01:00 PM – 02:00 PM
Location: Online, Microsoft Teams
Instructors: Roger Reka
Discover the ins and outs of Open Access article publishing charges including its various models. This presentation will equip researchers with the knowledge and strategies to make informed decisions about sharing their research openly.
Learning outcomes: Gain a clear understanding of the different Open Access publishing models and how they affect research accessibility. Explore the motivations behind publishing fees and learn about funding options, including what is covered by the library’s license agreements with publishers. Discover alternative routes for Open Access publishing. This presentation will appeal to the research community, including faculty members, graduate students, post-doctoral fellows, and research staff.

2:00 PM

H5P drop-in session

Registration for this event is now closed.
Schedule: Thursday, March 07, 2024, 02:00 PM – 03:30 PM
Location: CEI 1232
This will be an informal session, where people can learn about H5P and get help with adopting content or creating their own. Participants will have the chance to see samples of different H5P content types, learn how to create them, or start planning a new project with OOL team members there to assist. Offered both in-person and online, participants may choose how to participate. You can stop by for a quick visit or stay the whole time, so come out and see what we can build together and feel free to bring a friend.

4:00 PM

In your likeness: The Anatomy Video and Imagery Diversity (AVID) project

Registration for this event is now closed.
Schedule: Thursday, March 07, 2024, 04:00 PM – 04:20 PM
Location: Hybrid - CEI 1232 + Online
Instructors: Dave Andrews
The purpose of the Anatomy Video and Imagery Diversity (AVID) project is to create anatomical illustrations and short instructional videos that depict the diversity of humans, including people of different ages, sexes, body compositions, skin tones, hair colours and styles. People with amputations, prosthetics, tattoos and piercings are also portrayed in the images that have been produced to date. This joint initiative between the University of Windsor and the University of Calgary engages medical illustrators and students, many of whom are from equity-deserving groups, to create the images and videos. These products are stored in an open digital repository that can be accessed by anyone worldwide for teaching and other non-commercial purposes. This presentation will provide an overview of the AVID project, illustrate how it will help students see their likeness in the material they are learning, and introduce the digital repository and samples of the content currently available within it.
This is a hybrid session where people can attend in person in CEI 1232 or attend online. If you wish to attend online please register via this Zoom link

Friday, March 8, 2024

10:00 AM

Students as Knowledge Co-Creators in Clinical & Experiential Learning - The Role of Open Learning

Registration for this event is now closed.
Schedule: Friday, March 08, 2024, 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM
Location: Hybrid - CEI 1232 + Online
Instructors: Asvini Kulanayagam, Gemma Smyth
This conversation between graduating Windsor Law student Asvini Kulanayagam, Professor Gemma Smyth and moderator Professor Dave Cormier will explore how students can play an instrumental role in co-creating knowledge for other students in professional, work-integrated and experiential contexts. In clinical and experiential programs, sources of knowledge are expanded to include community, clients and colleagues. How can clinical and experiential programs integrate the experiential knowledge students gain in practice? Open learning provides a flexible, integrative way to encourage co-learning and knowledge sharing within a research-informed context.
This is a hybrid session where people can attend in person in CEI 1232 or attend online. If you wish to attend online please register via this Zoom link

1:00 PM

Open Ed Week Closing Event

Registration for this event is now closed.
Schedule: Friday, March 08, 2024, 01:00 PM – 02:00 PM
Location: McPherson Lounge
This is an informal event for people to gather and look back at the events of the week. Doors will open at 1 pm with closing remarks and the announcement of the student competition winners taking place at 1:30 pm. There will be coffee, tea, and snacks. Capacity is limited, so please sign up early.