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Haleh Nazemi

Haleh is a PhD candidate in Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) Department. She is the Graduate Teaching and Learning (GTL) Fellow in the Faculty of Engineering and Centre for Teaching and Learning (CTL). Haleh has served as a GA for 5 semesters at the University of Windsor during her MASc and PhD program. Haleh has also served as a Head GA for 3 semesters at the University of Windsor and worked with more than 400 students and 15 GAs, each semester in her Head GA capacity. She is the winner of GATA Award for Educational Leadership at the University of Windsor in 2019. Haleh is also enrolled in University Teaching Certificate (UTC) program at the University of Windsor to invest on her teaching skills and promote the teaching and learning environment. She is the Graduate Student Representative in Appointment Committee of ECE Department. She is the Lab Manager at e-Minds Research Centre at the University of Windsor, and she is the Co-Chair of IEEE Women in Engineering (WIE), Windsor section.

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