Centre for Teaching and Learning
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CTL Registration

Register for CTL workshops, events, courses and programs

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The 2025 Winter GATAcademy is a one day event which will be held online on January 3rd. Workshops are scheduled all day from 9:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.

Presented by the GATA Network, Winter GATAcademy offers professional development workshops for current and prospective UWindsor graduate assistants (GAs) and teaching assistants (TAs). Workshops feature material and activities for both new and experienced GAs/TAs.

Registration is FREE. Participants register for each workshop separately.

**Links to the sessions will be emailed to participants the day before the scheduled workshops.**


Information provided to register for workshops may be used for program evaluation, program improvement, and research, but will always be deidentified. If data is used for research purposes, REB clearance will be sought. If you do not want your data used for research purposes, please contact Dr. Laura Chittle ctl@uwindsor.ca.