Centre for Teaching and Learning
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CTL Registration

Register for CTL workshops, events, courses and programs

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Schedule: (Self-paced)
Location: Online (Note: clicking links on this page will open them up in a new window)
Blackboard Teaching in a Blackboard Learning Environment – TBLE (Online) will introduce current or future instructors to the essential components of a well-designed and implemented Blackboard course site experience for their students. This is an online course with lessons and activities that provide you with the experience of being both an instructor and a student in an online environment. TBLE participants can apply concepts in this course to a f-2-f, hybrid, or totally online course at the University of Windsor. The course includes five online modules, with quizzes, exercises, and assessments.

Module Topics include:
  • Navigating Blackboard
  • Essential Communication and Sharing Content
  • Discussions - Creating and Managing
  • Creating and Managing Assessments
  • Grade Centre Crash Course
There is an option for eligible UTC participants who have successfully completed the Course Design course to apply this as partial fulfilment towards the UTC. Note: Participants must apply to and be accepted into the UTC for this to apply.
Please note, there is no instructor interaction in this course (except for UTC participants).
Time Investment: 7-10 hours. Appropriate for Faculty and Course - Builders new to Blackboard Learn for instructors who wish to complete the course, but without the UTC element.
UTC participants should expect to take the amount of time required for all 6-week courses (18 hours) plus project development time.

Further training or one-on-one consultations for Blackboard are available at uwindsor.ca/bbworkshops.
Other online self-paced courses to learn Blackboard are available at http://www.uwindsor.ca/bbonline

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Saturday, July 28, 2018

Blackboard Boot Camp (Decaf Level)

Registration for this event is now closed.
Schedule: Saturday, July 28, 2018, 09:00 AM – 10:30 AM (list dates)
Location: Lambton 2103
Are you looking for a concentrated experience to tune-up your Blackboard Learn fitness levels and get your course site in good shape, just in time for the upcoming semester? This course provides a fast-paced and hands-on exploration of commonly-used assessment and communication tools in Blackboard.

The Blackboard Boot Camp has been designed as a hybrid course, combining 3 full face-to face (f-2-f) days, with online materials to explore at your own pace. The small class size will ensure individual attention while you discover how to put your site together effectively. This course is also eligible to be used towards the University Teaching Certificate as an optional half-course.

See a short video on what is involved in the course.

New Faculty, mid-career faculty, and instructors with teaching assignments for Fall 2018 will be given priority, as registration is limited.

Decaf Level
This option will offer a relaxed, and slower-paced workshop by placing an emphasis on step-by-step learning. This category is suitable for the emerging technical explorer or the learner who is new to using learning management systems.