The 2023 Winter GATAcademy is a two-day event which will be held on January 3rd and 4th. Workshops are scheduled all day from 9:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Presented by the GATA Network, Winter GATAcademy offers professional development workshops for current and prospective UWindsor graduate assistants (GAs) and teaching assistants (TAs). Workshops feature material and activities for both new and experienced GAs/TAs.
Registration is FREE. Participants register for each workshop separately.
**Links to the sessions will be emailed to participants the day before the scheduled workshops.**
Past offerings
Tuesday, January 3, 2023
9:00 AM
Grading and Giving Effective Feedback
11:00 AM
So, You're Hired as a GA/TA - Now What?!
1:00 PM
Supporting Teaching and Learning in the Brightspace Environment: Tips for GAs and TAs
Wednesday, January 4, 2023
9:00 AM
Discussing Dialogue: Leading Effective Discussions in the Classroom
We are back in class, face-to-face with students, ready to engage in high impact practices to promote transformation learning…but how ready are students to engage with us? Shifting back to in-person classrooms and requiring both small and large group discussions may create anxiety and challenges for both TAs/GAs and students. This workshop will focus on learning and applying strategies to develop a safe and inclusive environment to facilitate effective discussions. We will answer questions on how to manage classroom dynamics to promote a socially just classroom. We will explore and apply multiple methods of facilitating discussions, such as the continued use of technology in the classroom to assist your students in becoming active participants in their own learning. You will leave with tools to apply whether you are facilitating discussions with students one-on-one, in labs, or in small or large groups. Come ready to discuss dialogue!
Pizza will be provided by the Faculty of Graduate Studies!!
11:00 AM
What is Active Learning and How to use it as a GA/TA in STEM Labs and Tutorials
Suppose you are a GA/TA in a lab or tutorial, and you notice students are exhausted from classes. How might you spark their interest? Active learning strategies can be a light in the tunnel of tiredness and inactivity. In this interactive session, participants will be introduced to active learning principles as well as strategies that they can adapt to their own labs and tutorials.
Pizza will be provided by the Faculty of Graduate Studies!!
1:00 PM
Mental Health for Student Leaders: Caring for Yourself and Others
Designed for student leaders, this presentation covers mental health basics, stigma, resources for support, and simple caring, resilience, stress, and coping skills. Participants will learn strategies for maintaining mental health while balancing their responsibilities.
Pizza will be provided by the Faculty of Graduate Studies!!