The Centre for Teaching and Learning invites faculty, staff, sessional instructors, students and the community to the 6th annual Summer Series on Teaching and Learning, August 14-16, 2012.
Past offerings
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
9:00 AM
The New Reality of Higher Education: Technology and Learning
The number of technologies available to individual instructors in higher education institutions seems to grow each day. With so many tools that promise to enhance teaching and learning, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. Teaching with technology isn’t just about staying current on the latest tools. How to successfully incorporate into teaching with expected outcomes is also important. For example, YouTube videos which dealt with serious literary and scientific topics and had re-enactments of experiments with volatile organic chemicals can be incorporated into classes. But it requires proper selection after background preparation. Interactive, synchronous web conferencing software such as WebEx, Blackboard Collaborate and even Skype are becoming part of academic world. These innovative tools can be implemented by faculty teaching both hybrid and fully online courses.
In this session, using some lessons learned from science education, we will explore: why some technologies do not help achieve learning outcomes, while others do; the lessons from outside of the classroom using discussion boards and blogs; applications of smartphones and digital cameras in the classroom; and the new reality of higher education in its adoption of technologies in and out of the classroom.
1:30 PM
Classroom Technologies
The explosion of digital technologies and their potential use in improving student learning may leave many educators in universities with their heads spinning. As technology is used more and more in education, identifying appropriate tools and designing meaningful curricula to incorporate them is becoming increasingly important for educators around the world. But with so many options available, from clickers to virtual classrooms, learning management systems, online discussions, wikis, blogs, collaborative documents, adopting and developing open educational resources and the world of mobile learning options (netbooks, iPads, iPods, smartphones, digital cameras, Flip-cameras etc), how do we choose appropriate tools that will be right for our own teaching context?
This workshop will help instructors explore ways of incorporating educational technologies in their curricula by providing an introduction to current and emerging educational research in the higher education context. We will explore some of the tools currently available, and then combine these concepts to plan an activity that you can implement in your own teaching.
Participants are strongly encouraged to bring at least one mobile device (e.g. laptop, tablet, smartphone).
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
9:00 AM
Session 1 - Prepping Your First Day and Designing for Engagement
"Here's your textbook, see you next class!" What else can an instructor do to set the stage for an engaging, well organized course? This interactive session will explore student engagement and setting the tone in the first class. We will introduce some simple steps to begin preparation: the countdown to teaching, how to design a course syllabus/outline, how to design lessons and activities that encourage engagement. You will have a chance to examine intentional lesson planning and use of learning outcomes to enhance teaching, and student learning.
Session 2 - Presentation Alternatives
Whether they're for students or for research/conference presentation, visual presentations are an unavoidable part of doing business. For years, Microsoft PowerPoint has been the standard bearer of slide presentation applications, but several alternatives have emerged. The alternatives offer different functionalities and may even help in avoiding "death by powerpoint." In this session we will explore alternatives to the standard presentation tool, including when and when not to use them.
1:30 PM
Session 1 - Teaching With Gadgets: Educational Technologies Discussion & Demonstration
During the first half of this session, participants will take part in roundtable discussions led by CTL staff. Topics will include the use of CLEW, videos, consoles, and smartboards in your teaching, booking CTL services, and using virtual learning environments. The second half of the session will include interactive video demonstrations. Attendees will also participate in a video production of a mock simulation, and will go through the process of uploading the video to a CLEW website.
Session 2 - The Culture of Information and Student Learning
Thursday, August 16, 2012
9:00 AM
TECH Talks
This session will cap off the Summer Series with a constellation of Tech Talks from faculty colleagues from Arts, Business, Kinesiology, Nursing, and Science. The talks will cover a range of topics related to how technology helps student learning and our teaching. Participants will be exposed to a variety of technology uses in and out of the class, all of which carry lessons that can be transferred to various settings.