Below, please sign up for the session associated with your Faculty or Department.
Please note: If you sign up for a session that was intended for a specific Faculty that isn't yours, we will contact you to see about rescheduling in other relevant workshops. Please visit our open workshops to find one just for you!
Past offerings
Monday, October 24, 2022
Getting Started with Brightspace - MAME
This workshop will introduce participants to the Brightspace environment and provide an overview of the tools in Brightspace. Participants will walk through the process of structuring course content in Brightspace, creating content, and importing material. Focus will be placed on learning the Brightspace html editor and several of the many options available to create engaging learning material. The Announcements tool and where to find support resources will also be included.
** This workshop is recommended as a prerequisite before taking other Brightspace workshops.
Note: A computer will be required to participate in this workshop and we encourage you to bring your own laptop to the session. Please advise the instructor (email if you will be unable to bring one so that one can be made available for you.
Tuesday, October 25, 2022
Getting Started with Brightspace- MAME
This workshop will introduce participants to the Brightspace environment and provide an overview of the tools in Brightspace. Participants will walk through the process of structuring course content in Brightspace, creating content, and importing material. Focus will be placed on learning the Brightspace html editor and several of the many options available to create engaging learning material. The Announcements tool and where to find support resources will also be included.
** This workshop is recommended as a prerequisite before taking other Brightspace workshops.
Note: A computer will be required to participate in this workshop and we encourage you to bring your own laptop to the session. Please advise the instructor (email if you will be unable to bring one so that one can be made available for you.
Thursday, November 3, 2022
Getting Started with Brightspace- Education
This workshop will introduce participants to the Brightspace environment and provide an overview of the tools in Brightspace. Participants will walk through the process of structuring course content in Brightspace, creating content, and importing material. Focus will be placed on learning the Brightspace html editor and several of the many options available to create engaging learning material. The Announcements tool and where to find support resources will also be included.
** This workshop is recommended as a prerequisite before taking other Brightspace workshops.
Note: A computer will be required to participate in this workshop and we encourage you to bring your own laptop to the session. Please advise the instructor (email if you will be unable to bring one so that one can be made available for you.
Friday, November 4, 2022
10:00 AM
Getting Started-Chemistry/Biochemistry Department
NOTE: A Teams invitation was sent through department. Respond to the invitation rather than register here.
** This workshop is recommended as a prerequisite before taking other Brightspace workshops.
Note: A computer will be required to participate in this workshop and we encourage you to bring your own laptop to the session. Please advise the instructor (email if you will be unable to bring one so that one can be made available for you.
1:00 PM
Getting Start - School of Dramatic Art
NOTE: A Teams invitation was sent through department. Respond to the invitation rather than register here.
** This workshop is recommended as a prerequisite before taking other Brightspace workshops.
Note: A computer will be required to participate in this workshop and we encourage you to bring your own laptop to the session. Please advise the instructor (email if you will be unable to bring one so that one can be made available for you.
Friday, November 11, 2022
Getting Started with Brightspace- Political Science Department
This workshop will introduce participants to the Brightspace environment and provide an overview of the tools in Brightspace. Participants will walk through the process of structuring course content in Brightspace, creating content, and importing material. Focus will be placed on learning the Brightspace html editor and several of the many options available to create engaging learning material. The Announcements tool and where to find support resources will also be included.
** This workshop is recommended as a prerequisite before taking other Brightspace workshops.
Note: A computer will be required to participate in this workshop and we encourage you to bring your own laptop to the session. Please advise the instructor (email if you will be unable to bring one so that one can be made available for you.
Friday, November 18, 2022
9:00 AM
Getting Started-English Department
NOTE: An invitation was sent through department. Respond to the invitation rather than register here.
** This workshop is recommended as a prerequisite before taking other Brightspace workshops.
Note: A computer will be required to participate in this workshop and we encourage you to bring your own laptop to the session. Please advise the instructor (email if you will be unable to bring one so that one can be made available for you.
1:00 PM
Getting Started - Law Faculty and Sessionals
NOTE: A Teams invitation was sent through department. Respond to the invitation rather than register here.
Tuesday, November 22, 2022
9:00 AM
Getting Started with Brightspace-Business
This workshop will introduce participants to the Brightspace environment and provide an overview of the tools in Brightspace. Participants will walk through the process of structuring course content in Brightspace, creating content, and importing material. Focus will be placed on learning the Brightspace html editor and several of the many options available to create engaging learning material. The Announcements tool and where to find support resources will also be included.
** This workshop is recommended as a prerequisite before taking other Brightspace workshops.
Note: A computer will be required to participate in this workshop and we encourage you to bring your own laptop to the session. Please advise the instructor (email if you will be unable to bring one so that one can be made available for you.
11:30 AM
Getting Started with Brightspace-SAC
This tailored session will introduce participants to the Brightspace environment and provide an introduction to the basic functions of Brightspace.
** This workshop is recommended as a prerequisite before taking other Brightspace workshops.
Note: A computer will be required to participate in this workshop and we encourage you to bring your own laptop to the session. Please advise the instructor (email if you will be unable to bring one so that one can be made available for you.
Wednesday, November 23, 2022
9:00 AM
Getting Started with Brightspace-Business
This workshop will introduce participants to the Brightspace environment and provide an overview of the tools in Brightspace. Participants will walk through the process of structuring course content in Brightspace, creating content, and importing material. Focus will be placed on learning the Brightspace html editor and several of the many options available to create engaging learning material. The Announcements tool and where to find support resources will also be included.
** This workshop is recommended as a prerequisite before taking other Brightspace workshops.
Note: A computer will be required to participate in this workshop and we encourage you to bring your own laptop to the session. Please advise the instructor (email if you will be unable to bring one so that one can be made available for you.
2:30 PM
Getting Started -Social Work
NOTE: An invitation was sent through department. Respond to the invitation rather than register here.
A Teams link to the workshop will be sent closer to the date.Thursday, November 24, 2022
Getting Started with Brightspace-Law
** This workshop is recommended as a prerequisite before taking other Brightspace workshops.
A Teams meeting invitation with the link for the online session will be sent after registration.
Friday, November 25, 2022
9:30 AM
Getting Started with Brightspace-Faculty of Science
This workshop will introduce participants to the Brightspace environment and provide an overview of the tools in Brightspace. Participants will walk through the process of structuring course content in Brightspace, creating content, and importing material. Focus will be placed on learning the Brightspace html editor and several of the many options available to create engaging learning material. The Announcements tool and where to find support resources will also be included.
** This workshop is recommended as a prerequisite before taking other Brightspace workshops.
Note: A computer will be required to participate in this workshop and we encourage you to bring your own laptop to the session. Please advise the instructor (email if you will be unable to bring one so that one can be made available for you.
2:00 PM
Getting Started in Brightspace-Languages, Literature & Culture
This workshop will introduce participants to the Brightspace environment and provide an overview of the tools in Brightspace. Participants will walk through the process of structuring course content in Brightspace, creating content, and importing material. Focus will be placed on learning the Brightspace html editor and several of the many options available to create engaging learning material. The Announcements tool and where to find support resources will also be included.
** This workshop is recommended as a prerequisite before taking other Brightspace workshops.
Note: A computer will be required to participate in this workshop and we encourage you to bring your own laptop to the session. Please advise the instructor (email if you will be unable to bring one so that one can be made available for you.
Wednesday, November 30, 2022
Getting Started - Philosophy
NOTE: A Teams invitation was sent through department. Respond to the invitation rather than register here.
Thursday, December 1, 2022
Getting Started with Brightspace-MSWwp
NOTE: A Teams invitation was sent through department. Respond to the invitation rather than register here.
Friday, December 2, 2022
Getting Started with Brightspace - Psychology
NOTE: An invitation was sent through department. Respond to the invitation rather than register here.
** This workshop is recommended as a prerequisite before taking other Brightspace workshops.
Note: A computer will be required to participate in this workshop and we encourage you to bring your own laptop to the session. Please advise the instructor (email if you will be unable to bring one so that one can be made available for you.
Tuesday, December 6, 2022
9:00 AM
Getting Started -Nursing faculty
NOTE: A Teams invitation was sent by the trainer. Respond to the invitation rather than register here.
** This workshop is recommended as a prerequisite before taking other Brightspace workshops.
A Teams meeting invitation will be sent closer to the date.
1:30 PM
Getting Started with Brightspace-Nursing Clinical Instructors
As part of the New Sessional Orientation sessions, this workshop will introduce participants to the Brightspace environment and provide an overview of the tools in Brightspace. Participants will walk through the process of structuring course content in Brightspace, creating content, and importing material. Focus will be placed on learning the Brightspace html editor and several of the many options available to create engaging learning material. The Announcements tool and where to find support resources will also be included.
** This workshop is recommended as a prerequisite before taking other Brightspace workshops.
A Teams meeting invitation will be sent closer to the date.
Friday, December 9, 2022
Getting Started with Brightspace -Kinesiology
NOTE: A Teams invitation was sent through department. Respond to the invitation rather than register here.
Monday, December 12, 2022
12:00 PM
Getting Started with Brightspace -CEE
This workshop will introduce participants to the Brightspace environment and provide an overview of the tools in Brightspace. Participants will walk through the process of structuring course content in Brightspace, creating content, and importing material. Focus will be placed on learning the Brightspace html editor and several of the many options available to create engaging learning material. The Announcements tool and where to find support resources will also be included.
Note: A computer will be required to participate in this workshop and we encourage you to bring your own laptop to the session. Please advise the instructor (email if you will be unable to bring one so that one can be made available for you.
** This workshop is recommended as a prerequisite before taking other Brightspace workshops.
2:00 PM
Getting Started with Brightspace-Faculty of Science
This workshop will introduce participants to the Brightspace environment and provide an overview of the tools in Brightspace. Participants will walk through the process of structuring course content in Brightspace, creating content, and importing material. Focus will be placed on learning the Brightspace html editor and several of the many options available to create engaging learning material. The Announcements tool and where to find support resources will also be included.
Note: A computer will be required to participate in this workshop and we encourage you to bring your own laptop to the session. Please advise the instructor (email if you will be unable to bring one so that one can be made available for you.
** This workshop is recommended as a prerequisite before taking other Brightspace workshops.
Tuesday, December 13, 2022
Getting Started with Brightspace-SoCA
NOTE: An invitation was sent through department. Respond to the invitation rather than register here.
** This workshop is recommended as a prerequisite before taking other Brightspace workshops.
Note: A computer will be required to participate in this workshop and we encourage you to bring your own laptop to the session. Please advise the instructor (email if you will be unable to bring one so that one can be made available for you.
Wednesday, December 14, 2022
Getting Started with Brightspace-Nursing Clinical Instructors
This workshop will introduce participants to the Brightspace environment and provide an overview of the tools in Brightspace. Participants will walk through the process of structuring course content in Brightspace, creating content, and importing material. Focus will be placed on learning the Brightspace html editor and several of the many options available to create engaging learning material. The Announcements tool and where to find support resources will also be included.
** This workshop is recommended as a prerequisite before taking other Brightspace workshops.
A Teams meeting invitation will be sent closer to the date
Thursday, December 15, 2022
Getting Started with Brightspace - Economics
This workshop will introduce participants to the Brightspace environment and provide an overview of the tools in Brightspace. Participants will walk through the process of structuring course content in Brightspace, creating content, and importing material. Focus will be placed on learning the Brightspace html editor and several of the many options available to create engaging learning material. The Announcements tool and where to find support resources will also be included.
Note: A computer will be required to participate in this workshop and we encourage you to bring your own laptop to the session. Please advise the instructor (email if you will be unable to bring one so that one can be made available for you.
** This workshop is recommended as a prerequisite before taking other Brightspace workshops.
Wednesday, January 18, 2023
Getting Started with Brightspace-Leddy Library
This workshop will introduce participants to the Brightspace environment and provide an overview of the tools in Brightspace. Participants will walk through the process of structuring course content in Brightspace, creating content, and importing material. Focus will be placed on learning the Brightspace html editor and several of the many options available to create engaging learning material. The Announcements tool and where to find support resources will also be included.
** This workshop is recommended as a prerequisite before taking other Brightspace workshops.
Note: A computer will be required to participate in this workshop and we encourage you to bring your own laptop to the session. Please advise the instructor (email if you will be unable to bring one so that one can be made available for you.
Tuesday, March 21, 2023
Getting Started with Brightspace-MSWwp
This workshop will introduce participants to the Brightspace environment and provide an overview of the tools in Brightspace. Participants will walk through the process of structuring course content in Brightspace, creating content, and copying material from previous courses. Focus will be placed on learning the Brightspace html editor and several of the many options available throughout Brightspace to create engaging learning material. The Announcements tool, adding TAs, and where to find support resources will also be included.
** This workshop is recommended as a prerequisite before taking other Brightspace workshops.
Quick Steps: This option will offer a fast-paced more technically driven step-by-step workshop. This category is suitable for the learner who possesses a high comfort level in learning and adopting new technology.
This workshop will be conducted online using MS Teams. This workshop is for MSWwp instructors only. Please accept the meeting invitation sent to you, if you wish to attend.
Thursday, May 25, 2023
9:00 AM
Creating & Using Rubrics in Brightspace-For Education
3:00 PM
Creating & Using Rubrics in Brightspace-For Education
Wednesday, August 9, 2023
Getting Started with Brightspace-Nursing Clinical Instructors
As part of the New Sessional Orientation sessions, this workshop will introduce participants to the Brightspace environment and provide an overview of the tools in Brightspace. Participants will walk through the process of adding course content, creating announcements, grading assignments, activating your course site, and creating engaging material using the Brightspace html editor and several of the many options available. Where and how to find support resources will also be included.
** This workshop is recommended as a prerequisite before taking other Brightspace workshops.
A Teams meeting invitation will be sent closer to the date.
Thursday, August 10, 2023
Getting Started with Brightspace-MSWwp
This workshop will introduce participants to the Brightspace environment and provide an overview of the tools in Brightspace. Participants will walk through the process of structuring course content in Brightspace, creating content, and copying material from previous courses. Focus will be placed on learning the Brightspace html editor and several of the many options available throughout Brightspace to create engaging learning material. The Announcements tool, adding TAs, and where to find support resources will also be included.
** This workshop is recommended as a prerequisite before taking other Brightspace workshops.
Quick Steps: This option will offer a fast-paced more technically driven step-by-step workshop. This category is suitable for the learner who possesses a high comfort level in learning and adopting new technology.
A link to a Teams meeting will be sent to you the day before the workshop.
Thursday, August 17, 2023
Getting Started with Brightspace-Law Sessionals
This workshop will introduce participants to the Brightspace environment and provide an overview of the tools in Brightspace. Participants will walk through the process of structuring course content in Brightspace, creating content, and copying material from previous courses. Focus will be placed on uploading material, learning the Brightspace html editor, and several of the many options available throughout Brightspace to create engaging learning material. Creating announcements, adding support personnel to course sites, how to activate your course, and where to find support resources will also be included.
** This workshop is recommended as a prerequisite before taking other Brightspace workshops.
Note: A computer will be required to participate in this workshop and we encourage you to bring your own laptop to the session. Please advise the instructor (email if you will be unable to bring one so that one can be made available for you.
Friday, September 1, 2023
Getting Started with Brightspace- Education
This workshop will introduce participants to the Brightspace environment and provide an overview of the tools in Brightspace. Participants will walk through the process of structuring course content in Brightspace, creating content, and copying material from previous courses. Focus will be placed on learning the Brightspace html editor and several of the many options available throughout Brightspace to create engaging learning material. The Announcements tool, adding TAs, and where to find support resources will also be included.
** This workshop is recommended as a prerequisite before taking other Brightspace workshops.
Note: A computer will be required to participate in this workshop and we encourage you to bring your own laptop to the session. Please advise the instructor (email if you will be unable to bring one so that one can be made available for you.
*This workshop will offer a relaxed pace with emphasis on step-by step learning.
Thursday, October 19, 2023
Getting Started with Brightspace for AQ Instructors
Participants in this session will:
- Customize their Homepage
- Explore how Videonote can be used in Announcements, Discussions, and providing feedback on Assignments
- Manage Content items (repair broken links, set up course timing, etc.)
Thursday, November 16, 2023
Getting Started with Brightspace-Law Sessionals
This workshop will introduce participants to the Brightspace environment and provide an overview of the tools in Brightspace. Participants will walk through the process of structuring course content in Brightspace, creating content, and copying material from previous courses. Focus will be placed on uploading material, learning the Brightspace html editor, and several of the many options available throughout Brightspace to create engaging learning material. Creating announcements, adding support personnel to course sites, how to activate your course, and where to find support resources will also be included.
** This workshop is recommended as a prerequisite before taking other Brightspace workshops.
Note: A computer will be required to participate in this workshop and we encourage you to bring your own laptop to the session. Please advise the instructor (email if you will be unable to bring one so that one can be made available for you.
Thursday, March 21, 2024
Getting Started with Brightspace-MSWwp
This workshop will introduce participants to the Brightspace environment and provide an overview of the tools in Brightspace. Participants will walk through the process of structuring course content in Brightspace, creating content, and copying material from previous courses. Focus will be placed on learning the Brightspace html editor and several of the many options available throughout Brightspace to create engaging learning material. The Announcements tool, adding TAs, and where to find support resources will also be included.
** This workshop is recommended as a prerequisite before taking other Brightspace workshops.
Quick Steps: This option will offer a fast-paced more technically driven step-by-step workshop. This category is suitable for the learner who possesses a high comfort level in learning and adopting new technology.
If you prefer slower paced instruction and no Step-by-Step workshop is offered, please email
A link to a Teams meeting will be sent to you the day before the workshop.
Tuesday, August 13, 2024
Getting Started with Brightspace-Nursing Clinical Instructors
As part of the New Sessional Orientation sessions, this workshop will introduce participants to the Brightspace environment and provide an overview of the tools in Brightspace. Participants will walk through the process of adding course content, creating announcements, grading assignments, activating your course site, and creating engaging material using the Brightspace html editor and several of the many options available. Where and how to find support resources will also be included.
** This workshop is recommended as a prerequisite before taking other Brightspace workshops.
A Teams meeting invitation will be sent closer to the date.
Thursday, August 15, 2024
Getting Started with Brightspace-Law Sessionals
Tuesday, December 17, 2024
Getting Started with Brightspace-Nursing Clinical Instructors
As part of the New Sessional Orientation sessions, this workshop will introduce participants to the Brightspace environment and provide an overview of the tools in Brightspace. Participants will walk through the process of adding course content, creating announcements, grading assignments, activating your course site, and creating engaging material using the Brightspace html editor and several of the many options available. Where and how to find support resources will also be included.
** This workshop is recommended as a prerequisite before taking other Brightspace workshops.
A Teams meeting invitation will be sent closer to the date.