Online Education is a half course that focuses on the qualities of effective online pedagogy in university courses. This is a totally online course with lessons and activities that provide you with the experience of being both an instructor and a student in an online environment. Online Education is an experiential course that covers introductory theory in online pedagogies, as well as the practicalities of teaching an online course at the University of Windsor.
Topics include: Determining an appropriate model of delivery to support learning, interaction and collaboration techniques, course design, building instructional elements, and design of assessment and feedback for learning.
Please note: There will be some learner readiness activities that will need to be completed by participants prior to the course beginning.
Past offerings
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Online Education
This half-course focuses on the qualities of effective
online education for university courses.
Topics include: Determining an appropriate model of delivery to
support learning, interaction and collaboration techniques, course
design, building instructional elements, and design of assessment
and feedback for learning. This is a hybrid course, with two
in-class face-to-face sessions (one each at the beginning and end
of the course), coupled with weekly online lessons and activities.
Dates: January 27-March 10, 2010
Face to face classes (Location Lambton 2103): Wednesday, January 27 and Wednesday, March 10, 1:00 – 4:00 p.m.
Classes from February 1-March 1 will be conducted online
(No class activities scheduled for Feb. 16-19)
Pre-requisites: Undergraduate degree in any discipline, computer with broadband Internet access. Preference will be given to individuals currently enrolled in the University Teaching Certificate Program
Audience: Faculty, Sessional Instructors, Graduate Students with teaching responsibilities
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Online Education
Dates: This hybrid course runs March 2, 2011 to April 13, 2011.
Face-to-face classes will take place on Wednesday March 2 and Wednesday, April 13, from 1:30-4:30pm in Lambton 2103. From March 9 to April 6, classes will be conducted online.
Pre-requisites: Undergraduate degree in any discipline, and a computer with broadband Internet access. Preference will be given to individuals currently enrolled in the University Teaching Certificate Program.
Audience: Faculty, sessional instructors, and graduate students with teaching responsibilities.
Monday, July 11, 2011
Online Education - Intensive mode
Are you interested in online education? Do you currently, or want to, teach courses that use CLEW or other online technologies but you're not sure if what you're doing is effective? Then this course may be for you! Online Education is a half course that provides an introduction to the world of online education, exploring some of the major themes and pedagogical issues in online learning and teaching, as well as the tools available to instructors in the University of Windsor environment.
Is this course for you?
This iteration of the course will be run in intensive mode over the course of two weeks and will require some face to face work (including starting with a bang with a full day of instruction) and independent learning online. This course will also be somewhat experimental in nature in that it is the first time it will be run in this intensive mode, and we will be using, and testing, a couple of tools that are not yet available to the broader campus community. This will include piloting the new version of CLEW due to go live later in the year, and a synchronous collaboration platform that will also be in pilot mode. As with testing any new platform, there is therefore a chance that there may be some technical issues and a learning curve for us all, but we will be doing everything in our power to ensure that everything runs as smoothly as possible. The plus for you is that you will be ahead of the game when these tools are eventually released for the campus, and will have had an opportunity to have input to the evaluation of them.
Dates: This hybrid course runs from July 11-22, 2011. Learning will occur in both face-to-face classes, and in independent work online.
There will be three in-class sessions on the following dates:
- Monday, 11 July, 9:30am - 4:30pm (whole day with break for lunch)
- Monday, 18 July, 1:30pm - 4:30pm (including a pot-luck lunch)
- Friday, 22 July, 1:30pm - 4:30pm (final course presentations)
Pre-requisites: Undergraduate degree in any discipline, a computer with broadband Internet access, a webcam, speakers/headphones, a microphone (inbuilt versions of these are in most laptops and standalone webcams - no additional equipment will be needed if you have these already built into your computer). Preference will be given to individuals currently enrolled in the University Teaching Certificate Program.
Audience: Faculty, sessional instructors, and graduate students with teaching responsibilities.
Please Note: This course is being run in intensive mode and will be a combination of face to face and online work over the course of two weeks (July 11-22, 2011). If you have any questions about the course, please contact the instructors, Nick Baker (; ext. 4925) or Lorie Stolarchuk (; ext. 3050).
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Online Education
Are you interested in online education? Do you currently, or want to, teach courses that use CLEW or other online technologies but you're not sure if what you're doing is effective? Then this course may be for you! Online Education is a half course that provides an introduction to the world of online education, exploring some of the major themes and pedagogical issues in online learning and teaching, as well as the tools available to instructors in the University of Windsor environment.
The course will be conducted in a Totally-Online delivery mode (TOL), consisting of five modules. (Office hours will be conducted on Wednesdays from 1-2 pm which are what appear when clicking "List Dates" in the descriptor).
Two synchronous online sessions and weekly office hours will be held in the Blackboard Collaborate Virtual Classroom. The synchronous class sessions will be held on Wed 29th February, 9:30am-11:30am and Wed 28th March, 9:30am-12:30pm . Please make sure you have these times available for these classes. It is important for you to be able to access the virtual classroom and so Lorie and I will be available in the virtual classroom on Monday 27th Feb from 10-11am and Tues 28th Feb and from 2-3pm for you to make sure you can access it before the first class.
Pre-requisites: Undergraduate degree in any discipline, and a computer with broadband Internet access. Preference will be given to individuals currently enrolled in the University Teaching Certificate Program.
Audience: Faculty, sessional instructors, and graduate students with teaching responsibilities.
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Online Education
Are you interested in online education? Do you currently, or want to, teach courses that use CLEW or other online technologies but you're not sure if what you're doing is effective? Then this course may be for you! Online Education is a half course that provides an introduction to the world of online education, exploring some of the major themes and pedagogical issues in online learning and teaching, as well as the tools available to instructors in the University of Windsor environment.
Pre-requisites: Undergraduate degree in any discipline, and a computer with broadband Internet access, headset and microphone, (webcam is optional). Preference will be given to individuals currently enrolled in the University Teaching Certificate Program.
Audience: Faculty, sessional instructors, and graduate students with teaching responsibilities.
Note: First and last class require mandatory attendance online using Blackboard Collaborate Virtual Classroom, from 9:30 am-12:00 pm on Feb. 6 and Mar. 20. The remaining classes are online and will be released weekly to complete at your own pace. Class dates listed below (if not for virtual classes listed previously), will be for virtual office hours only.
Friday, January 9, 2015
Online Education
Are you interested in online education? Do you currently, or want to, teach courses that use CLEW or other online technologies but you're not sure if what you're doing is effective? Then this course may be for you! Online Education is a half course that provides an introduction to the world of online education, exploring some of the major themes and pedagogical issues in online learning and teaching, as well as the tools available to instructors in the University of Windsor environment.
Pre-requisites: Undergraduate degree in any discipline, and a computer with broadband Internet access, headset and microphone, (webcam is optional). Preference will be given to individuals currently enrolled in the University Teaching Certificate Program. Please note: there will be some online pre-course activities that will be expected to be completed prior to the course starting. Participants will be notified in advance by email.
Audience: Faculty, sessional instructors, and graduate students with teaching responsibilities.
Note: First and last class (Friday, Jan. 9 & Friday, Feb. 13) require mandatory attendance online using Blackboard Collaborate Virtual Classroom, from 9:00 am-12:00 pm. The remaining classes are online and will be released weekly to complete at your own pace. Class times/dates listed above (January 16, 23, 30, February 6) will be for virtual office hours only.
Friday, January 8, 2016
Online Education
Pre-requisites: Undergraduate degree in any discipline, and a computer with broadband Internet access, headset and microphone, (webcam is optional). Preference will be given to individuals currently enrolled in the University Teaching Certificate Program. Please note: there will be some online pre-course activities that will be expected to be completed prior to the course starting. Participants will be notified in advance by email.
Audience: Faculty, sessional instructors, and graduate students with teaching responsibilities.
Note: First and last class (Friday, Jan. 8 & Friday, Feb. 12) require mandatory attendance online using Blackboard Collaborate Virtual Classroom, from 9:00 am-12:00 pm. The remaining modules are online and will be released weekly to complete at your own pace. Class times/dates listed above (January 15, 22, 29, February 5) are when the self-paced online modules will be released (noon Fridays). Further information will be found in the course Syllabus, available upon registration.
Monday, July 4, 2016
Online Education
Online Education is a half course that provides an introduction to the world of online education, exploring some of the major themes and pedagogical issues in online learning and teaching, as well as the tools available to instructors in the University of Windsor environment.
Pre-requisites: Undergraduate degree in any discipline, and a computer with broadband Internet access, headset and microphone, (webcam is optional). Preference will be given to individuals currently enrolled in the University Teaching Certificate Program or involved with the Office of Open Learning Provincially Funded projects.
Please note: there will be some online pre-course activities that will be expected to be completed prior to the course starting. Participants will be notified in advance by email.
Note: First and last class (Monday, July. 4 & Monday, August 8) requires mandatory attendance online using Blackboard Collaborate Virtual Classroom or in person in room LT2103, from 9:00 am-12:00 pm. The remaining modules are online and will be released weekly to complete at your own pace. Additionally, there will be an optional mid-course face-to-face or online session for individuals to discuss and share questions and activities around their final project course site.
Class times/dates listed above (July 22, 18, 25, August 1) are when the self-paced online modules will be released (noon Mondays). Further information will be found in the course Syllabus, available upon registration.
Audience: Faculty, sessional instructors, and graduate students with teaching responsibilities.